I am officially addicted to rainbow abundance bowls! Problem is most of them have at least one ingredient that I cannot eat and that will make all the difference… So I made this vegan and low fodmap rejuvenating bowl, inspired by a blogger I love.
I can finally say without fear: Viva the rejuvenating, nourishing, colorful bowls of taste and healthiness!
The idea came from Deliciously Ella and her rejuvenating bowl. She is a big inspiration to me as she also found a cure in food, not settling for anything less that tasty, nourishing and healthy whole foods! This is in fact my second adapted version of Ella’s recipes. My first was this delicious Pecan Pie.
This rejuvenating bowl is the combination of awesome veggies such as spinach and rainbow carrots, with a dose of pulses (in this case the recommended low FODMAP dose of lentils) and another of whole grains (brown rice). I then added a special dressing full of Omega 3, 6 and 9 and finished with a handful of pumpkin seeds. Easy and incredibly tasty!
And if you like this recipe, make sure to also try my Korean bibimbap nourishing bowl.
Rejuvenating Bowl
- 1/2 cup brown rice
- 1 cup water
- pinch of salt
- 1 rainbow carrot medium, peeled and sliced
- 2 tbsp lemon juice
- 1 tsp tamari
- 1/4 cup lentils canned
- 1 tsp apple cider vinegar optional
- 2 cups spinach
- 1 tbsp olive oil OR garlic infused oil
- 1 handful pumkin seeds
For the dressing
- 1 tbsp olive oil extra virgin
- 1 tbsp walnut oil extra virgin
- 1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
- pinch of salt
- pinch of nutmeg optional
- Place the rice in a sauce pan with boiling water and a pinch of salt. Cook on a low heat, until all the water has been absorbed and the rice is cooked.
- Steam the carrot for about thirty minutes or until soft. Place in a bowl and mash with a fork, mixing in the lemon and tamari.
- Heat the olive oil in a pan over medium–high heat. Add the spinach and sauté for 5 minutes or until spinach has wilted.
- Remove the spinach and place the lentils to heat them. I suggest adding 1 teaspoon of apple cider vinegar to enhance their flavor.
- Mix the dressing together in a mug, then place everything in a bowl and pour the dressing over it. Finally toss in the pumpkin seeds and serve.
I just love this power bowl.. it is definitely a recipe I will be making. But what I love most is the sound of that dressing – anything with walnut oil is just so delicious!
Thank you, Thalia. I love walnut oil too 🙂
What are rainbow carrots? Is it available in the US? Amazing recipe. It is a one-dish healthy meal that I would definitely make on a busy day.
Thank you 🙂 Found a good article about rainbow carrots: http://healthland.time.com/2013/08/20/eat-this-now-rainbow-carrots
They are common here in Europe but apparently not so much in the US. The recipe can be made with regular carrots which are not as sweet as the purple kind I used.
Thanks Joana!
Yum, this looks so good and nourishing! I love lentils and brown rice and spinach, so this bowl is totally calling my name. Have pinned and will be coming back to this one for sure, thanks for the inspiring recipe!
Thank you, Katie 🙂
Olá, tenho uma dúvida..
Fui diagnosticada com SII há uma semana, estou em período de crise e preciso mudar minha alimentação
gostaria de saber porque é mais seguro consumir lentinha enlatada e milho enlatado?
Sou Brasileira
Olá Graci, pois segundo a Universidade de Monash, as lentilhas e milho enlatados perdem mais fodmaps e por isso são mais seguros. Aconselho-a a aderir ao grupo de facebook Fodmap Portugal, onde poderá esclarecer todas as suas dúvidas em Português 🙂
This recipe looks fantastic. Is there anything I can substitute for the lentils?
Hi Lisa! 40g of canned chickpeas or up to 75g of canned corn?
Thanks for your quick reply.
I do prefer chickpeas.