Easy one-bowl Low FODMAP Banana Nut Bread recipe for you and your family. Fluffy, moist and healthy! Also gluten free and lactose free.
These are my favorite baking recipes! The ones where fruits and nuts combine perfectly to make a healthy and safe treat for our sensitive tummies.
So today I share with you my Low FODMAP Banana Nut Bread, a friends and family favorite. It tastes so good that nobody seems to mind that it’s low FODMAP, gluten free and lactose free! My kind of recipes!
It’s also very easy to put together. You’ll need:
- One bowl
- 7 ingredientes
- Less than one hour of your time
You can use a store-bought gluten free flour mix (with low fodmap ingredients) or make your own with simply two ingredientes. Check recipe and notes below for details.
And the final result is a moist, fluffy, nutty flavored banana bread, to kick off your day with energy and a happy tummy!
I also have two healthy and vegan low FODMAP banana breads you might like:
And let me know if you have any questions, suggestions, ideas for my next banana bread. Maybe with some chocolate chips? Oats? Pecans?
Xo, Joana
Low FODMAP Banana Nut Bread
- 3 | 10.6oz | 300g unripe bananas
- 1/2 cup | 2oz | 60g walnuts finely chopped
- 1/2 cup | 2.8oz | 80g brown sugar
- 5 tbsps olive oil
- 1 egg
- 1 cup | 140g all-purpose gluten free flour* OR 2/3 cup white rice flour + 1/3 cup cornstarch
- 2 tsp baking powder
- Preheat the oven to 350ºF | 180ºC.
- In a big bowl beat olive oil and sugar for 2 minutes. Add the egg and beat until bubbles start to appear.
- Mash 2 bananas (7oz | 200g) with a fork and add them to the mixture. Beat until well combined.
- Add the walnuts, flour and baking powder and mix until well combined.
- Place the mixture in a greased loaf tin and top with the banana cut in half, gently pressing a bit.
- Bake in the middle of the oven for 40 minutes. Remove the banana bread from the oven and let cool in the tin for 10 minutes.
- For my EU readers I suggest this Doves Farm GF plain white flour
- For my US readers I suggest this Bob Red Mills GF 1-to-1 baking flour
Coucou Joana,
Mon fils m’a dit avant de s’endormir qu’il voudrait manger autre chose demain matin – il ne reste que des boulettes de mais dans le tiroir à petit déj 😮
Ta nouvelle recette tombe à pic !! Je crois que je vais la tester très vite … 😉
Super, Rosa! Dis-moi si ça vous a plu 😉 Bisous!!
Thanks for sharing … Love the ease of this recipe. I used a muffin tin instead, which took around 25 minutes in the oven.
Hi Sharmila! I am glad you enjoyed the recipe. And banana bread muffins sound great!! Cheers, Joana
This was so so good! I did the rice flour + corn starch! The texture was wonderful. Cake but like bread too. I just got diagnosed with IBS, and am glad I came across your website!
Hi Sabrina! So happy to hear 🙂 thank you for sharing.